Heraldry Points

Get rewarded for growing the ChronoForge audience.

Create a new point structure called ‘Heraldry Points’ specifically for social/referrals which accumulate in real time based on social and referral actions. $CHRONO rewards will be claimable monthly on the basis of Heraldry Points (on top of the regular season competition).

Loyalty Points Multiplier

Loyalty Points rank will multiply Heraldry Points as they are earned:

  1. Top 100 = 2x

  2. Top 101-1000 = 1.75x

  3. Top 5000 = 1.5x

Twitch Drops

Creators will earn Twitch drops of both Heraldry Points and game items by streaming ChronoForge. We will try to get this live prelaunch for Unbreakables Builds and stress tests.

Twitter Campaigns

Connect your Twitter account to our app and earn heraldry points for your likes, retweets and comments on our tweets

Referral Rewards

Accounts will have a referral code available on our app which can be used by friends making season battlepass purchases to earn in-game rewards and Heraldry Points.

Some in-game rewards we are considering:

  • Baby umu pet for referring two friends

  • Ethereal Umu mount for bringing 10 friends

Last updated